My body of work extends beyond graphic design and includes photography, fine arts, fashion, and beauty. I'm personally drawn to clean, eye-catching graphics and love to play with typography, but I feel a combination of these disciplines make for a better, more informed designer – me.
I use my 15+ years of experience to create custom branding, graphics, illustrations, and web designs and apply them to a variety of digital and print platforms. I have worked both in house as Art Director and Graphic Designer in NYC, as well as a Freelance Creative since graduating from the University of Georgia. I build professional relationships and ensure client retention by providing supplemental graphics support as needed. As an expert in managing projects, I drive concepts from ideation to completion and coordinate logistics with outside vendors to ensure requirements and deadlines are met in a timely manner.
W O R K E D F O R & C O L L A B O R A T E D W I T H :

A N D M O R E . . .
P H O T O G R A P H S F E A T U R E D I N :

A N D M A N Y M O R E . . .
S E R V I C E S :
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Branding / Identity, Layout, Environmental Graphics, Package Design, Brand Strategy, Invites, Typography, Illustration, and Photo Retouching.